An argument between a male passenger and the air hostess can be seen in the apparently incriminating video of the incident that news agency ANI has put online, allegedly involving the passenger’s brawl with another female passenger.Few passengers are seen stepping in, and the flight attendant attempts to speak with the passenger while stating that she is literally weeping, said to be referring to the other passenger that the man got into a fight with.
    Source: Google imagesThis coincides with the increased public interest in mid-air combat primarily as a result of their social media re-posting.On a Thai Smile Airways flight from Bangkok to Kolkata, two male passengers got into a full-fledged physical altercation.
    In the video, a couple other male passengers can be seen repeatedly slapping a male passenger. The flight attendant was seen attempting to calm them down.The most well-known incident involved the alleged peeing on a female passenger’s blanket by a drunken male passenger on an Air India aircraft between New York and Delhi.A Mumbai-based businessman named Shankar Mishra is accused of peeing on a female co-passenger who was a senior woman in her seventies aboard an Air India trip from New York to New Delhi on November 26, 2022. 
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