According to a report of The Indian Express, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will inaugurate the flyover extension on March 06, 2023. The six lanes flyover extension will benefit around 13,500 vehicles during peak hours.
    The construction work of the flyover extension commenced in June 2020 after the approval of the Cabinet. The total cost of the project is Rs 128.25 crore while the total length of the flyover including the ramp is 1,425 meters.Source:- Swarajya
    Significance:-The flyover extension will reduce the travel time between the two cities. It will benefit office-goers, students, patients, etc. The passengers can bypass three traffic lights between Ashram Chowk and DND, making vehicular movement smoother. At present, the vehicles coming and going from Noida and Ghaziabad to South Delhi have to grapple with congestion while traveling from the DND loop to the Ashram intersection.

    Source: Detox Traveller
    About Ashram flyover:-The Ashram flyover witnesses heavy traffic on all days as the Mathura Road, and the Delhi-Noida Direct (DND) flyway is connected to it.
    Early this year, the Delhi government decided to transform the state of roads in the national capital. Speaking at a press, the Chief Minister has revealed that the project will involve an expenditure of Rs 4,500 crore in the first year of its implementation and then Rs 2,000 crore every year, from then on.
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