Zelenskiy’s statements, however, in a late-night speech hinted that Kyiv had decided to reinforce the city in addition to staying and fighting on, seemingly sure that Russia’s losses in trying to attack it would be larger than those of Ukraine.
    The decision to stay put was unanimously endorsed by the command, Zelenskiy said. No other positions were available. I instructed the head commander to assemble the necessary forces to support our soldiers in Bakhmut.
    Source:- Reuters
    Taking Bakhmut, according to Russia, would be a step towards capturing the nearby industrial Donbas area, a major war objective. Russia claims to have taken roughly a fifth of Ukraine’s territory and started a full-scale invasion of that country a year ago.
    Sergey Shoigu, the Russian defense minister, referred to Bakhmut in broadcast remarks as Artemovsk, adopting the Soviet name for the city that the Russian invaders had resurrected.

    Source: Hindustan Times
    The city serves as a key node in the defense of Ukrainian forces in the Donbas. Once it is under control, more offensive operations can be carried out far into Ukraine’s defenses.
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