When asked about what the big advertisement might be, the minister said, Parliament is in session, so I can not say anything. He declined to give further details.  Source:- 13 Angle
    Mr. Vaishnaw was speaking at the India Global Forum event. 
    It’s material to mention that ChatGPT has dazed the world with its conversational chops and touched off an AI( Artificial Intelligence) chatbot race.

    Source: Adrian Twarog
    The new AI chatbot tool– created by the San Francisco artificial intelligence company OpenAI– has over the once weeks exploded in fashionability and seized captions. It can be assigned to give definitive answers to questions, responds to stoner prompts, and is grounded on online information, it can churn out scripts, speeches, song lyrics, schoolwork material, papers, marketing dupe, classroom essays, and indeed draft exploration paper objectification.
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