The party is all set to get a full majority. One thing you remember… The BJP, with full force, will attempt to break the government with 40 percent of the money taken from the people. They will try to break your own government from the money stolen from you. The Congress should come to power with 150 seats. No chance should be given to the BJP, he said.
Asserting that the Congress is going to come to power in Karnataka, he said Prime Minister Narendra Modi will help top businessmen and our government will help the poor, farmers, laborers and small industrialists.
The BJP will open bank doors to industrialists. Our government will open the bank’s doors to small shop owners, small businessmen, poor, and laborers, he assured. In a few days, the Congress government will take charge in Karnataka. The question is what it will do after coming to power? What will it deliver to youth, women, and the poor?
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