The duo’s murders were carried out with ease, which indicates serious mistakes on the side of the escorting police. The assailants had it easy thanks to lax police tactics. The murders had an aura of inevitableness about them; the only question was who would shoot first before the UP police.
    Source: Deccan Herald
    The killings of the brothers are being investigated by a three-member judicial panel established by the state government, and a three-person Special Investigation Team has been established by the police. 
    The investigators must carefully examine the role of police as sponsors and encouragers and recommend stern punishment for the negligent ones. It is clear that the state’s police officers are not averse to acting outside the bounds of the law given that 183 police encounters have taken place in the past six years in UP, ever since Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took office. 
    For decades, the relationship between politicians and gangsters has crippled UP’s ability to maintain law and order. Atiq, a former member of parliament, was an emblematic case of a gangster who benefited from political favouritism and methodically eliminated his opponents.

    Source: NDTV
    Investigating the recent extrajudicial killings and police confrontations in the state is also necessary. The cops have thrown open the doors to a murderous cycle, emboldened by a regime that seems to enjoy pulling the trigger. 
    Gangsters are now fiercely competing with one another for glory and fame as a result of this. This is a worrying development. The state government needs to be strongly reminded to change its ways and make sure the rule of law is upheld by the judiciary and the federal government. 
    What do you think about this? Comment below. 


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