The Lord of the Rings is a beloved trilogy of films that has captured the hearts and minds of audiences around the world. One of the most iconic characters from the series is Gollum, a complex and troubled creature who is struggling with his own inner demons. In The Two Towers, the second film in the trilogy, Gollum delivers a famous monologue that has become one of the most memorable moments in the entire series. However, what many fans don’t know is that this scene was not actually directed by Peter Jackson, the film’s director.
    According to actor Andy Serkis, who played Gollum in the films, the famous monologue was actually directed by him. In an interview, Serkis revealed that Jackson was simply too busy with other aspects of the film to devote his full attention to directing the scene.Source:- 
    I actually directed that scene, Serkis said. Peter Jackson had no time. He was on the other side of the studio, shooting something else. He said, ‘Look, Andy, you’re going to have to direct it yourself.’

    Despite the lack of direct input from Jackson, the Gollum monologue is considered by many to be one of the most powerful moments in the entire series. In the scene, Gollum is struggling with his own inner demons and wrestling with the good and evil within him. Serkis delivers a masterful performance, capturing the character’s complex emotions and bringing him to life on the screen.
    Serkis is widely regarded as one of the greatest motion-capture actors of all time, and his work in The Lord of the Rings has been praised by critics and fans alike. He went on to reprise the role of Gollum in The Hobbit trilogy, and he has also played a variety of other memorable characters in films such as King Kong and Star Wars.

    In the end, the fact that the famous Gollum monologue was not directed by Peter Jackson does little to diminish its impact on fans. The scene remains one of the most memorable and emotional moments in the entire series, and it serves as a testament to the incredible talent and dedication of the entire cast and crew.
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