The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) squad who stormed the cruise liner allegedly let the supplier and others in possession of narcotics get away with it, according to the FIR. 
    The corrupt official, who formerly held the position of NCB’s Zonal Director in Mumbai, is also under investigation by the investigation agency for owning assets that are out of proportion to his known sources of income and for filing a false disclosure of the costs associated with his international travel.
    Following an inquiry by a Special Enquiry Team (SET), led by a Deputy Director General of the NCB, the CBI arrested Wankhede and the other suspects. The officer’s blatant attempt to extort crores of rupees from Aryan’s family was made clear in the SET report. 
    The scandalous incident has damaged the NCB’s reputation as the nodal organisation responsible for upholding drug laws in India and coordinating efforts with foreign organisations like the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. 
    Answers are required to the following queries: Did Wankhede’s bosses ignore his transgressions? Or were some of them working together to aid him? Who were the politicians whose support provided him with the confidence to conduct the crimes?
    The NCB cannot properly carry out its mandate to detect and disrupt organised drug trafficking organisations if it is lenient in removing incompetent personnel. In order to correct the path, a more thorough investigation of the Wankhede case is required. Drug cartels both domestically and internationally may be dissuaded by sending a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated. Additionally, the bureau must prioritise catching the biggest fish. Setting the correct priorities can aid the NCB in significantly altering the situation on the ground.
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