The Kejriwal administration swiftly moved Services Secretary Ashish More after praising the judgement as a confirmation of the AAP’s position. In an effort to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision, the Centre adopted an act on Friday to establish the National Capital Civil Service Authority, which would have control over the posting and transfer of officials.
    Source: Tribune India
    Although the CM will serve as the authority’s head, the Centre-appointed L-G will have the last word in any disputes. The SC was requested to review the May 11 judgement by the Centre the following day.
    The timing of the Center’s initiatives is what has many scratching their heads. Instead of waiting until Parliament was in session to present a Bill, it displayed excessive haste. Additionally, it released the ordinance on the final day of the SC’s six-week recess. The AAP is right to protest the violation. The Centre ought to have let the situation play out as the SC had instructed. Then, if it still discovered a problem, it may have taken action to fix it.

    Source: The Indian Express
    The Delhi-Centre dispute is an interestingly old one. The Delhi Assembly, which was established in 1952, was disbanded in 1956, and the Delhi Metropolitan Council took its place in 1966. Every time a different party has held power at the Centre and in Delhi since the Assembly’s resurrection in 1993, power politics have had an influence on governance. This time around, nothing has changed.
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