In addition to receiving France’s highest honour, PM Modi also had the distinction of serving as the parade’s Guest of Honour. However, this visit saw a stronger emphasis on tackling India’s Achilles’ heel in domestic military manufacturing, such as in creating military-grade aviation engines. France did leave with several heavy-duty defence orders.
    Source: Mint
    In 2016, following yet another pompous Indo-French engagement, Horizon 2047 recalls the promises made. Seven years have passed since that time, but the French-supported railway that would reduce the travel time between Chandigarh and Delhi to under two hours is still expected. 
    In a similar vein, the Joint Statement of 2018 made reference to the constellation of satellites known as the Trishna mission, which is referenced in the Outcome Document of 2023. Roadmaps with due dates have also been ineffective. There is still more progress to be made in the 2019 Indo-French Roadmap on Cyber Security and Digital Technology.
    However, the intervening years have given both sides a feeling of purpose. India is affected because of the threat posed by China and the foreseeable unreliability of Russia as a weapons supplier. 

    Source: India Today
    India, on the other hand, is creating a similar network of defence and business ties with other nations. France might lose out to rivals if it takes too long to engage with India on NextGen technologies and knowledge transfer. A strong naval alliance with India in the Indian Ocean will be beneficial at a time when France is a less powerful economic nation and the sustainability of its participation in the G7 and UNSC is being questioned. This will need making Horizon 2047’s promises a reality. 
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