The incident, which has surprised many in the film fraternity, supposedly occurred during the shooting of the 1991 blockbuster Hum. Ravi Dewan, who was present on the sets as an assistant director, revealed that Govinda’s tardiness caused inconvenience not only to the megastar Amitabh Bachchan but also to the legendary actor Rajinikanth, who was making a special appearance in the film.
    Dewan further disclosed that the scene in question required all three actors to be present, and an early morning shoot was scheduled to make the most of natural lighting and the cast’s energy. However, Govinda’s repeated delays resulted in a significant setback, causing frustration and disappointment among the crew and fellow actors.Furthermore, Ravi Dewan mentioned that Govinda’s tardiness was not an isolated incident. The actor had a pattern of arriving late on the sets, often strolling in only after lunchtime, leading to wasted time and disrupted schedules.Source  TOIAlthough the assistant director has chosen to speak up about the issue years after the movie’s release, his revelation has sparked discussions within the film industry about the importance of professionalism and punctuality on sets. Respect for fellow actors and the crew’s time is considered a fundamental aspect of the filmmaking process, and any deviation from this norm can have a ripple effect on the production and camaraderie among the team.
    As of now, there has been no response from Govinda regarding the allegations made by Ravi Dewan. It remains to be seen whether the actor addresses the claims or offers any explanation for the reported delays.While Govinda’s talent and charisma have won him legions of fans, this recent revelation serves as a reminder that even stars must adhere to professional ethics and conduct. Punctuality and respect for fellow actors are vital ingredients in the recipe for successful filmmaking, and the incident on the sets of Hum has reignited discussions about maintaining a harmonious and efficient work environment in the film industry.Share your views in the comments.


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