Traffic laws, particularly those pertaining to speed, lane driving, and overtaking, must be strictly enforced, according to the highway patrols.
    Source: Deccan Herald
    Every effort taken to reduce the number of accidents on state and federal roadways, which account for about three-fourths of all crashes, counts. According to the Punjab Road Accident Report-2021, almost 4,500 persons perished in traffic accidents in the state in 2021. 

    Source: News 24
    The socio-economic cost study pegs the cost of this harm at Rs 17,851 crore for that year after accounting for lost working time and productivity as a result of fatalities, injuries, and impairments as well as the expense of medical care. All drivers should take precautions for their personal safety and the safety of others because there are more cars on the road every day. Better safe than sorry is not just a catchphrase.
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