During his address, PM Modi expressed his disappointment with those who he believes have shown arrogance and betrayal towards Manipur. While he did not explicitly name anyone, his choice of words hinted at a sense of frustration. The term ‘GHAMANDIA’, which translates to ‘arrogant’ or ‘haughty’, was used to convey his displeasure with these individuals.
    The Prime Minister’s speech resonated with many in Manipur, who have long felt neglected or ignored in national political discourse. His recognition of the state’s concerns was seen as a positive step towards acknowledging the unique challenges faced by Manipur and its people.Source:- the Indian ExpressPM Modi’s statement also ignited speculation about the specific incidents or issues that might have prompted his strong words. Observers and analysts are now dissecting his remarks to decipher the underlying context and potential implications for Manipur’s political landscape.Source:- times now
    This unexpected address outside of Parliament showcased PM Modi’s willingness to directly engage with state-specific matters and take a personal interest in addressing grievances. It also underscored the power of his words in influencing public opinion and shaping political narratives.As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the accused parties respond to PM Modi’s accusations and whether this incident will lead to any concrete policy changes or actions in Manipur. Nonetheless, the Prime Minister’s words have certainly drawn attention to the state’s issues and sparked discussions on a broader scale.
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