u00a0The ice chunk, estimated to weigh several hundred pounds, crashed through the roof of the house, creating a hole and causing structural damage.Witnesses in the vicinity reported hearing a loud crash, followed by the sound of shattering glass as the ice penetrated the roof and several rooms of the residence. Fortunately, no one was injured as the homeowners were not inside the house at the time.Local meteorologists and experts are currently investigating the unusual event to determine its origin.u00a0One possibility being considered is that the ice chunk might have fallen from an airplane’s cargo hold or formed on an aircraft’s exterior before detaching and plummeting to the ground. Another potential explanation is that the ice could have formed on a high-flying cloud and then fallen during a sudden change in weather conditions.Source:- Irish mirrorIncidents of objects falling from the sky are rare but not unheard of. In the past, various items such as meteorites, airplane debris, and even frozen waste from airplanes have fallen to the Earth’s surface, occasionally causing damage to properties or posing safety risks.
    Source:- ctv morningThe affected homeowners are working with their insurance company to assess the extent of the damage and begin repairs. Meanwhile, local authorities are urging residents to remain cautious and report any similar incidents.u00a0The unusual occurrence serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of natural events and the potential for unexpected incidents to impact our daily lives
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