This humiliation comes after the embattled Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) had its membership suspended by United World Wrestling (UWW), the organization that oversees amateur wrestling internationally, for failing to hold elections. On April 27, the IOA formed an ad hoc body and gave it the mandate to hold the elections within 45 days. The UWW had issued a suspension notice to the WFI the following day if this deadline was not met.
Source: Bharat Express
The bitter conflict between the athletes from India who were wronged and the wrestling officials who desired more control is what led to this failure. The vital elections have been repeatedly postponed over the last six months, which has highlighted sour internal strife.
Even though the UWW was closely following these contentious events, it appears that the ad hoc panel did not take sufficient steps to guarantee that the issue was resolved. Delays have been caused by disputes over the ability to vote, for which a number of state entities that are not affiliated have filed legal actions.
Source: India Today
While the wrestlers have put a stop to their public protest, the verdict is yet out on the charges of sexual harassment made against the former WFI chief by young women wrestlers and supported by prominent athletes. UWW, the Big Brother, is also monitoring this. The wrestling arena needs to be cleaned up immediately.
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