One, a teacher expressed a repugnant idea that was rooted in a severe religious schism. Two, her innocuous eighth-grade kids were readily duped by her joking comment. 
    Source: WION
    Unsurprisingly, the video has received criticism from a variety of sources, including the relevant authorities, child rights organizations, and opposition parties. Even though the victimized child’s father decided to remove him from that school, a comprehensive inquiry into the incident is required. 
    If found guilty of inciting hatred, the teacher should receive an extreme sentence that would serve as a deterrent to anyone who views others through a communal lens, especially those who are members of the underprivileged or marginalized groups in society.

    Source: NDTV
    The rising frequency of such incidents is evidence that Islamophobia is becoming a major issue in schools. A Muslim student at Manipal University in Karnataka confronted his teacher after the latter had compared him to Ajmal Kasab in a viral video that went viral in December. Educational institutions should set an example by teaching and practicing communal harmony in this climate of political polarization. Otherwise, our nation’s social fabric would be in danger of deteriorating.
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