Predator Drones: One of the key agenda items for the meeting is likely to be the sale of Predator drones to India by the United States. These armed drones are known for their precision and have been used for surveillance and targeted strikes in various regions. The deal would enhance India’s military capabilities and strengthen its defense partnership with the U.S. However, it may also raise concerns about the potential for regional tensions and arms proliferation.

    Jet Engine Deal: Another significant item on the agenda could be a deal related to jet engines. India has been seeking advanced jet engine technology to bolster its domestic defense manufacturing capabilities. The U.S. might consider offering technology transfer or cooperation in this area as part of its efforts to deepen defense ties with India. This could lead to joint ventures or collaborations between Indian and American companies in the aerospace sector.

    Source:- ndtv
    6G Technology: The future of technology and communications is also likely to be discussed, with a focus on 6G technology. Both countries recognize the importance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements. Discussions may revolve around research, development, and cooperation in the field of 6G, which promises ultra-fast data speeds, low latency, and transformative applications for industries ranging from healthcare to transportation.
    Source:- ndtv
    Regional and Global Issues: Beyond these specific topics, the leaders are expected to address regional and global challenges, such as climate change, cybersecurity, and the Indo-Pacific region’s stability. They may also touch upon the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and international efforts to combat it.
    Trade and Economic Relations: Bilateral trade and economic relations are always significant in such meetings. Talks may include discussions on trade barriers, investment opportunities, and ways to boost economic cooperation.
    In summary, the agenda for the Prime Minister-Biden meeting covers a diverse range of topics, from defense and technology to regional and global issues. Both countries aim to strengthen their strategic partnership and collaboration across various sectors for mutual benefit and to address shared challenges
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