This month’s total is the highest in the previous two years. Over 50% of the dengue cases recorded in the state are now concentrated in Bengaluru. Following the South at the top of the list are the West and East. Children being admitted to hospitals for dengue and respiratory illnesses has increased by 50%, according to pediatricians.
    Source: Outbreak News Today
    The hatching of larvae in stagnant water, particularly in homes where water is collected in containers, is a major contributor to the dengue outbreak. In addition, water pools in the plates under flower pots, coconut shells, used tires, and pits dug on building sites. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that outside surveillance is essential to preventing dengue, yet Bengaluru sorely lacks this. 
    The BBMP’s effort to combat dengue has been hampered by a severe lack of resources. A team led by an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) representative must visit each primary health center (PHC) once every 15 days to inspect and eliminate any suspected dengue-breeding water sources. However, because there are only 1,050 ASHA representatives available, only 25 to 50 homes are examined per day. 
    There are around 28 lakh houses in Bengaluru. ASHA personnel are prohibited from entering apartment buildings and affluent housing societies, whose residents are unaware that dengue may affect both the rich and the poor. This is another issue the BBMP is dealing with. Effective monitoring may substantially prevent dengue, so the government should promptly increase the ASHA brigade to maintain ongoing monitoring in both apartment buildings and slums. 
    Source: CNN- News 18
    Housing societies, business buildings, and malls that hinder ASHA employees from performing their duties should face punitive punishment. The dashboard created by IISc’s AI and Robotics Technology Park (ARTPARK), which employs artificial intelligence to forecast when and where the mosquito-borne sickness may appear, should also be used by BBMP. The government and the BBMP might have used the knowledge they acquired in dealing with Covid to battle dengue, but they instead chose to take a reactive rather than proactive approach.The BBMP needs to understand that prevention is preferable to cure when it comes to health issues.
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