The proposed new Parliament building, part of the ambitious Central Vista redevelopment project in New Delhi, has been a subject of contention since its inception. Designed by renowned architect Bimal Patel, the futuristic structure aims to replace the existing Parliament House, a historic landmark designed by Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker during British colonial rule.
    Congress party members argue that the government’s insistence on moving forward with this project amid the economic challenges and public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, reflects a lack of priorities and misplaced expenditure. They claim that this extravagant construction project, estimated to cost over Rs 20,000 crore, diverts resources away from essential services and social welfare programs.
    Moreover, Congress leaders assert that the new building’s design, characterized by its modernist and minimalist aesthetics, symbolizes a departure from India’s democratic traditions and heritage. They argue that the proposed structure’s stark departure from the architectural legacy of the existing Parliament House erases the historical and democratic significance associated with the current building.
    Source:- first postCritics argue that the government’s unilateral decision to proceed with the new Parliament building without seeking broader public input or parliamentary debate is indicative of an authoritarian approach that undermines the principles of democratic governance. They contend that such decisions should involve comprehensive deliberations and consensus among various political parties.
    Source:- cnn newsIn summary, the Congress party’s critique of the new Parliament building’s architecture goes beyond aesthetics and cost concerns. It reflects broader concerns about democratic values, transparency, and the allocation of resources in the midst of pressing national challenges. As the controversy rages on, it remains to be seen how this debate will impact the Central Vista redevelopment project and India’s democratic discourse
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