Petrol, often the fuel of choice for personal vehicles and a range of small to mid-sized vehicles, has witnessed a resurgence in demand. Several factors have contributed to this uptick. The growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) and the push for greener transportation have led consumers to opt for petrol-powered vehicles as an interim solution. Furthermore, the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred increased travel and commuting, driving up petrol consumption.

    In contrast, diesel sales have struggled to gain momentum. Historically favored for heavy-duty trucks, buses, and industrial machinery, diesel faces headwinds on multiple fronts. Environmental concerns and stricter emissions regulations have led to a decline in diesel vehicle sales. The rising interest in alternative fuels and cleaner technologies, including hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles, has further dampened diesel’s prospects.
    Source:- the times of india
    Moreover, the shift towards remote work and e-commerce has altered logistics patterns. With fewer long-haul transportation needs, diesel consumption in the freight and logistics sector has plateaued. The rise of sustainable logistics solutions, such as electric and hydrogen-powered trucks, has also diverted attention from traditional diesel-powered fleets.
    Source:-technical gyanWhile the future of diesel remains uncertain, it is essential to acknowledge that the energy landscape is in a state of transition. Governments and industries worldwide are investing in research and development to make both petrol and diesel cleaner and more sustainable. As technology evolves and environmental concerns persist, the fate of these two fuels will continue to evolve, impacting not only the energy market but also global efforts to combat climate change
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