u00a0It’s important to note that KCR is thefounder and leader of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), a regional political party in Telangana. His party has been in power in the state since its formation in 2014, and KCR has consistently advocated for regional autonomy and the interests of Telangana.
    At the same time, the BJP-led NDA is a coalition of several political parties at the national level, with the BJP as the major partner. The BJP has been trying to expand its presence in southern states like Telangana, but KCR’s TRS has maintained its own regional identity and political space.
    Any purported interest by KCR in joining the NDA would have significant implications for both state and national politics. It could impact the balance of power in Telangana and the dynamics of the NDA coalition.
    Source:- ndtvHowever, to provide a more accurate and up-to-date analysis, I would recommend checking the latest news sources and official statements from the political leaders involved, as developments in politics can be fluid and subject to change
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