The movie, directed by Maneesh Sharma, is the third installment in the popular ‘Tiger’ series, known for its high-octane action sequences and gripping storyline. The presence of Salman Khan, a Bollywood icon, adds to the film’s allure, drawing audiences from diverse backgrounds.
    Source:- the times of india’Tiger 3′ showcases Khan reprising his role as an Indian spy, embarking on a mission filled with espionage, intrigue, and adrenaline-pumping stunts. The film’s strong opening in the US suggests that it has resonated well with international audiences, transcending cultural boundaries.

    The success of ‘Tiger 3’ at the US box office is not only a testament to Salman Khan’s star power but also reflects the increasing global popularity of Indian cinema. Bollywood films have been gaining traction worldwide, with audiences appreciating the unique blend of drama, action, and music that characterizes these productions.
    As the film continues its theatrical run, it will be interesting to see if ‘Tiger 3’ maintains its momentum and achieves further milestones in the international market. The $2.3 million opening sets a high bar for the film’s overall performance, and fans eagerly await how the storyline unfolds and whether it can surpass the success of its predecessors.
    In summary, Salman Khan’s ‘Tiger 3’ has made a remarkable $2.3 million debut at the US box office, marking a milestone as the actor’s most successful international opening. The film’s triumph underscores both Khan’s global appeal and the growing popularity of Bollywood films on the international stage
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