to it pending trial, is illegal. The ruling aims to uphold the principles of justice and ensure that individuals awaiting trial are not subjected to arbitrary or unjust detention.

    The court’s decision underscores the significance of bail as a fundamental right and a crucial aspect of the criminal justice system. By categorically stating that bail cannot be granted for a limited duration once it has been determined that the accused is entitled to it, the SC seeks to prevent any circumvention of the established legal framework.

    source:- times of India

    This ruling is likely to have far-reaching implications for the legal landscape, reinforcing the idea that once bail is deemed appropriate, it should be granted without any temporal restrictions. The court’s rationale behind this decision likely stems from a commitment to protecting the rights and dignity of individuals accused of crimes, ensuring they are not subject to unnecessary and prolonged pre-trial incarceration

    Moreover, this judgment may act as a deterrent against any attempts to misuse the bail system or exploit legal loopholes. It sends a clear message that the judiciary is committed to upholding the principles of fairness and justice, even in the pre-trial phase of criminal proceedings.

    Legal experts and practitioners will closely scrutinize the implications of this decision on future cases. It may prompt a reevaluation of bail practices across the country, encouraging a more consistent and principled approach by judicial authorities when considering applications for bail.

    In conclusion, the SC’s ruling against granting bail for a limited period after establishing the accused’s entitlement to it pending trial represents a significant development in the jurisprudence surrounding bail in India. It reinforces the sanctity of individual rights and the rule of law, signaling a commitment to ensuring a fair and just legal process for those awaiting trial.

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