According to the article, “any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security may be brought to the attention of the Security Council by the Secretary-General.” 

    According to Guterres, the situation in Gaza is quickly spiralling out of control and could have “potentially irreversible implications” for both the security and tranquillity of the region and the Palestinian people. Over 16,000 people have died as a result of Israeli military action during the ongoing conflict, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. 

    Source: The Wire

    On October 7, deadly strikes by Hamas and other Palestinian armed factions claimed the lives of about 1,200 Israelis. Approximately 240 individuals were kidnapped, with over half remaining in captivity. 

    There had been expectations of a de-escalation and an early conclusion to the war after a truce arranged by Qatar, wherein Israel allowed humanitarian aid to enter Gaza and Hamas released hundreds of Palestinian inmates in return for the release of dozens of hostages. But the ceasefire was just temporary, and Israel has now stepped up its airstrikes.

    Source: WION

    The Security Council must hear the UN Secretary-General’s urgent appeal to prevent a humanitarian disaster, even though Qatar has asserted that it is working to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire. For failing to stop the situation from getting out of control, the UN has come under criticism. It is also unclear if the application of Article 99 by Guterres, which was last noted in a 1971 report by then-UN chief U Thant, will actually change anything on the ground.

    What do you think about this? Comment below.


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