In a significant development, Bollywood heavyweights Boney Kapoor, KC Bokadia, the consortium of Maddock Films, and the renowned T-Series have entered the bidding fray for Uttar Pradesh’s ambitious film city project. This move underscores the growing interest and investment in expanding the film and entertainment industry beyond traditional hubs.
The bid, made just five hours ago, signals a potential transformation for Uttar Pradesh as it aims to become a prominent destination for film production. The involvement of industry giants like Boney Kapoor, KC Bokadia, Maddock Films consortium, and T-Series hints at the project’s strategic importance and its potential impact on the Indian film landscape
Source : TOI
As the bidding process unfolds, it will be interesting to see how these influential players envision and contribute to the growth of the film city.
Source:- India Today
The move aligns with the broader trend of regional diversification within the Indian film industry, showcasing the willingness of established names to explore new opportunities and collaborate on ambitious projects. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting development in the world of Indian cinema.
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