Over 170 attacks by militia groups have occurred in the last four months or so against American military camps located in various grey zone areas of West Asia. The sophisticated air defences of the US military were breached by the drone. 

    The Pentagon has now officially recognized for the first time that US servicemen killed in West Asia as a result of supporting Israel’s excessive response to the Hamas strikes on October 7.The omens are not good. 

    Source: Press TV

    US President Joe Biden has opted to directly criticise Iran and has pledged reprisal while on the campaign trail. Whenever the US has attempted to engage in asymmetrical warfare in the past, it has ended up in a military quagmire. West Asia has too many foes to count as evidenced by the attacks coming from an overwhelming variety of directions. 

    As the Republicans have been pushing Biden to do, going after Iran would be like upsetting a beehive. The fact that the militia groups in the area have survived for decades in a very challenging neighbourhood is evidence of their extraordinary resilience. For the US, things could get out of control. Given the negative effects of the Red Sea strikes, the entire planet will bear the consequences. 

    Source: BBC News

    The apparent cause of the recent upsurge in animosity from Islamist factions is the United States’ continued support of Israel’s military offensive in Gaza. The policies of Western nations that have permitted the atrocities to go on ought to be reviewed. The US must solve the issue that has put its soldiers in danger as even the most advanced technology is unable to keep them safe.

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