In a dramatic turn of events in São Paulo, Brazil, a man used his Lamborghini to chase down and ram a thief who had stolen his Rolex at gunpoint. The incident occurred after the thief approached the Lamborghini owner, brandished a gun, and demanded the luxury watch. Complying initially, the victim handed over the Rolex, but decided to take matters into his own hands once the thief tried to flee.

    Source:- india today

    The Lamborghini owner pursued the thief through the streets, ultimately using his car to stop the criminal’s escape. The high-speed chase ended when the Lamborghini collided with the thief, injuring him and bringing the theft to a halt. Bystanders and local law enforcement were alerted by the commotion, and police quickly arrived at the scene.

    Source:- BBC news

    The thief, who sustained injuries from the collision, was apprehended and taken into custody. The stolen Rolex was recovered and returned to its owner. Authorities have since praised the quick action of the victim, though they also caution against taking such risks due to the potential dangers involved.

    This incident highlights both the boldness of criminals and the lengths to which victims might go to reclaim their property. It serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of crime and the extremes of self-defense.

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