In a recent interview, Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor sparked significant conversation online with her remarks on historical figures and social issues in India. Kapoor shared her thoughts on Mahatma Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar, and the enduring problem of casteism, revealing a nuanced perspective that many found surprising given her public persona as a film star.

    Source:- BBC news

    Kapoor began by expressing her admiration for Mahatma Gandhi, noting his pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence. She acknowledged his philosophy of non-violence and his efforts to unify a diverse nation through peaceful means. However, Kapoor also touched on the controversies surrounding Gandhi, including his complex views on race and caste. She emphasized the importance of understanding Gandhi in the context of his time, while also recognizing the need to critique and learn from his shortcomings.

    Source:- india today

    Shifting her focus to B.R. Ambedkar, Kapoor’s admiration was palpable. She praised Ambedkar’s relentless fight against caste discrimination and his efforts in drafting the Indian Constitution, which laid the groundwork for a more equitable society. Kapoor highlighted Ambedkar’s commitment to social justice and his vision for a casteless society as incredibly progressive for his time. She expressed her belief that Ambedkar’s ideas are still relevant today, especially in the ongoing struggle against caste-based discrimination.

    Kapoor’s comments on casteism struck a particularly resonant chord. She condemned the persistent caste-based inequalities in contemporary India and called for a collective effort to eradicate this deep-seated social evil. Kapoor acknowledged the privilege she holds as a member of an influential family in the film industry but stressed the importance of using her platform to raise awareness about such critical issues. She urged the youth to educate themselves on the history and current realities of caste discrimination and to actively participate in creating a more just and inclusive society.

    Her remarks have drawn a wide range of reactions on social media. Many praised her for speaking out on such significant issues and for showing a level of social awareness that transcends her image as an actress. Critics, however, argued that Kapoor’s comments were superficial and questioned her depth of understanding of these complex issues. Nonetheless, her statements have undeniably brought renewed attention to the discussions surrounding Gandhi, Ambedkar, and casteism, sparking dialogues that are crucial for the social progress of India.


    In conclusion, Janhvi Kapoor’s unexpected foray into social commentary has highlighted the continuing relevance of historical figures like Gandhi and Ambedkar in contemporary India, and underscored the ongoing need to address the systemic problem of casteism. Her remarks have not only showcased her personal views but also encouraged a broader conversation on these vital issues.

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