Rajnath Singh, India’s Defence Minister and a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), recently voiced his concerns over the frequent conduct of elections in the country. Addressing a gathering, Singh emphasized that repeated elections, whether for the central or state legislatures, disrupt governance and hinder developmental activities. He argued that the continuous cycle of elections forces politicians and bureaucrats to focus more on winning votes rather than on governance and long-term policy implementation.

    Source:- BBC news

    Singh advocated for a synchronized election schedule, where national and state elections are held simultaneously. This, he suggested, would reduce the administrative and financial burden on the country. Singh highlighted the high costs associated with conducting elections, including the deployment of security forces and the extensive use of government machinery. Additionally, he pointed out that frequent elections exacerbate political instability and polarization, diverting attention from pressing issues like economic growth and social welfare.

    Source:- india today

    By proposing synchronized elections, Singh echoed a sentiment that has been discussed among various political leaders and scholars. The idea aims to create a more stable political environment, allowing elected governments to focus on fulfilling their mandates without the constant pressure of impending elections. This approach, Singh believes, will contribute to more efficient governance and sustained development in India.

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