Kareena Kapoor Khan is particularly fond of Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence. She has shared her admiration on social media, especially during Lawrence’s pregnancy. Kareena posted pictures of Jennifer Lawrence showcasing her baby bump and described her as “simply gorgeous” and “obsessed” with her glowing look​ ​

    Source:- india today

    Additionally, Kareena has also expressed her admiration for Julia Roberts, particularly noting her appearance at the Cannes 2022 red carpet, which she found striking​​.

    Source:- BBC news

    These instances highlight Kareena’s appreciation for the elegance and charm of these Hollywood actresses.

    Lawrence and Julia Roberts

    Kareena Kapoor Khan has openly admired Jennifer Lawrence, especially highlighting her glowing beauty during her pregnancy​ ​.

    Additionally, she has expressed her fondness for Julia Roberts, particularly noting her stunning appearance at Cannes 2022​ .

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