There were about 85 people on board the bus, which could only hold 55 people. The bus’s past overloading challenge and such flagrant disdain for conventions reflect poorly on the regulating system. 

    The Jammu district’s terrible road conditions make the issue worse. Many of them have abrupt bends and are ill-maintained, which makes accidents common. More than 890 people lost their lives on J&K’s highways just last year.A paradigm shift in traffic safety and rule enforcement is required as a result of the suspensions and the magisterial inquiry. 

    Source: Hindustan Times

    Addressing the underlying causes of frequent accidents is also essential. The inquiry panel is required to conduct itself with thoroughness and transparency, and it has been given a week to produce its report. It ought to investigate the regulatory structure as well. To get to the bottom of the situation, technical experts must be included in the wreckage analysis and eyewitness testimony must be included.

    This bus disaster ought to serve as the impetus for a thorough examination of transportation laws and procedures. Obsolete inquiries commissioned following each significant accident have not succeeded in reducing the number of drivers who make deadly mistakes. 

    Source: NDTV

    Long-term promotion of safe driving practices requires strong initiatives to upgrade road infrastructure, increase driver education, and strictly enforce traffic laws. Ensuring the administration of justice is vital in order to avert catastrophic damages. It is only by strict accountability and proactive steps that we can hope to turn our roads from deathtraps to everyone’s safe travel route.

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