Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni recently captured the Internet’s attention with a viral selfie featuring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The moment was shared widely after Meloni posted a video on social media, showcasing the camaraderie between the two leaders.

    Source:- BBC news

    In the clip, Meloni, with a beaming smile, leans towards Modi, who is also seen smiling warmly. This gesture not only highlights the friendly relations between Italy and India but also resonates with a global audience, reflecting a new era of digital diplomacy where informal moments are shared directly with the public.

    Source:- India today

    The selfie was taken during the sidelines of an international summit, symbolizing a blend of traditional diplomacy with modern, relatable expressions of friendship. Social media users from both countries and beyond reacted enthusiastically, celebrating the leaders’ approachable demeanor.

    Meloni’s choice to share the moment online underscores how world leaders increasingly use social media to connect with citizens, breaking the formal barriers often associated with international relations. The video rapidly gained traction, amassing millions of views and interactions, thereby “breaking the Internet” and becoming a symbol of positive global engagement.

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