Farah Khan, the renowned choreographer and filmmaker, recently revealed that Shah Rukh Khan was initially reluctant to star in the iconic film “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.” Speaking on the topic, Farah shared that Shah Rukh felt he was too old to convincingly portray a college student. Despite his reservations, Shah Rukh eventually took on the role of Rahul, delivering a performance that has since become legendary.


    Source:- BBC news

    Farah humorously mentioned that Shah Rukh did the film “mar mar ke” (reluctantly or with great effort). His concern was rooted in the age difference between him and the character, as he was in his 30s at the time, playing a much younger college boy. Nevertheless, his charismatic portrayal won over audiences and contributed to the film’s enduring success.

    Source:- India today

    Farah’s anecdote highlights the challenges actors face when they are typecast or expected to play roles that don’t align with their stage in life. Shah Rukh Khan’s initial hesitation underscores his commitment to authenticity in his roles. Despite his doubts, his performance in “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai” remains a defining moment in his illustrious career, proving that sometimes taking risks can lead to timeless results.

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