In Assam, Chief Minister [Name of Chief Minister] has directed a thorough investigation into the recent incident involving the killing of suspected poachers by a forest guard. The incident, which occurred [mention location if available], has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the methods employed in wildlife conservation efforts.

    Source:- India today

    The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring that any actions taken by authorities are within the bounds of legal frameworks. He stated that while protecting wildlife is crucial, it must be done with strict adherence to established procedures and respect for human rights.

    Source:- BBC news

    The probe ordered by the Chief Minister aims to ascertain the circumstances leading to the shooting and to determine whether protocols were followed. This investigation will involve examining the actions of the forest guard involved, gathering eyewitness testimonies, and analyzing any available forensic evidence.

    Furthermore, the incident has prompted discussions about the challenges faced by forest guards in protecting endangered species while also dealing with the menace of poaching. The role of adequate training, equipment, and support for forest guards is also under scrutiny to ensure they can carry out their duties effectively and safely.

    The Chief Minister assured that the findings of the investigation will be transparently communicated to the public and appropriate actions will be taken based on the outcome, reaffirming the government’s commitment to wildlife conservation while respecting human rights.

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