Nana Patekar recently shared memories of working with the late Rishi Kapoor, highlighting the unique challenges he faced on set. According to Patekar, Kapoor had a habit of using abusive language frequently, which created a tense atmosphere during filming.

    Furthermore, Kapoor was known for his reluctance to shoot multiple takes for scenes, often delivering his performance in a single take and resisting retakes. This approach led to friction between the two actors, particularly given Patekar’s background in theater, which typically emphasizes meticulous rehearsals and multiple takes to perfect a scene.

    Source:- BBC news

    Patekar recounted an instance where Kapoor bluntly expressed his disdain for the theater approach, telling him, “We are not like you theatre guys.” This comment underscored Kapoor’s preference for a more spontaneous style of filmmaking, in contrast to the structured methods favored by stage actors.

    Source:- news 18

    Despite these clashes, Patekar acknowledged Kapoor’s talent and success in the film industry, though their working styles were markedly different. This reflection by Patekar sheds light on the varied techniques and personalities that coexist in the acting world, and how these differences can sometimes lead to creative tension on set.

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