Randeep Hooda, a versatile and acclaimed actor known for his dedication to challenging roles, recently opened up about the lack of support he received from the Bollywood industry for his latest film, “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar.” The biographical drama, which explores the life of the controversial freedom fighter Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, has sparked significant interest among audiences but has seemingly not garnered much backing from Hooda’s industry peers.

    Source : ZEE

    In a candid interview, Hooda expressed his sentiments on the matter, emphasizing his commitment to his craft and the audience over industry validation. “I make films for the audience, not the industry,” Hooda stated firmly. “My aim has always been to tell compelling stories that resonate with people, regardless of whether they are widely supported within the industry.”

    Source:- BBC News

    “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” delves into the life and contributions of Savarkar, a polarizing figure in Indian history known for his role in the independence movement and his controversial views. Hooda’s portrayal of Savarkar has been widely praised for its depth and nuance, highlighting the actor’s ability to bring complex characters to life.

    Hooda, who has previously received critical acclaim for his roles in films like “Sarbjit,” “Highway,” and “Laal Rang,” took on the challenging task of both starring in and directing the film. Despite the rigorous demands of the dual roles, Hooda’s passion for the project drove him to deliver a compelling narrative.

    “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” has garnered attention for its historical significance and Hooda’s powerful performance. However, the lack of promotional support from the Bollywood community has been noticeable. Hooda addressed this issue, saying, “It’s disheartening when your peers don’t rally behind a project that means so much to you. But at the end of the day, what truly matters is how the audience connects with the story.”

    The film’s release has sparked conversations about the industry’s role in supporting diverse narratives and the importance of backing projects that delve into India’s complex history. Despite the challenges, Hooda remains optimistic about the film’s reception and its impact.


    “I believe in the power of storytelling to bring about change and understanding,” Hooda concluded. “If even one person walks away with a new perspective or a deeper appreciation of our history, then I’ve done my job.”

    “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” is now playing in theaters nationwide, inviting audiences to explore the multifaceted life of one of India’s most intriguing historical figures through Randeep Hooda’s dedicated portrayal.

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