In a unified voice, sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists have expressed concerns that former President Donald Trump’s economic policies could stoke inflation. In an open letter, these economists, including renowned figures like Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, highlighted that Trump’s fiscal and monetary strategies, characterized by substantial tax cuts and deregulation, could destabilize the economy.

    Source:- BBC news

    They argue that Trump’s approach to economic management, including significant tax reductions for corporations and the wealthy, could lead to overheated markets and soaring consumer prices. According to these experts, such policies risk creating an imbalance where demand outstrips supply, thus driving up prices and potentially leading to runaway inflation.

    Source :- news 18

    The economists also pointed out that Trump’s deregulation policies could undermine critical safeguards designed to maintain economic stability. By loosening regulations, particularly in financial markets, there’s a danger of repeating the conditions that led to past economic crises.

    Their warning comes amid a broader debate on the long-term impacts of Trump’s economic legacy. The Nobel laureates stress the importance of cautious, well-considered economic planning to avoid the pitfalls of high inflation, which can erode purchasing power and disproportionately impact lower and middle-income families. They advocate for policies that ensure sustainable growth without triggering destabilizing inflationary pressures.

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