Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar recently met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres during his visit to Kazakhstan. Their discussions covered various global hotspots, reflecting the ongoing geopolitical concerns. Key topics likely included the conflict in Ukraine, given its significant impact on global stability and economic conditions. They also probably addressed the continuing tensions in the Middle East, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the situation in Syria, which have been enduring points of discussion at the UN.

    Source:- BBC news

    Another area of focus was the instability in Afghanistan post-Taliban takeover, with its implications for regional security and humanitarian issues. The evolving situation in Sudan and the African Sahel region, characterized by escalating conflicts and coups, might have been discussed, highlighting the need for international intervention and support.

    Source:- India today

    Climate change and its exacerbating effects on global conflicts were likely an integral part of their conversation, emphasizing the urgency of climate action in maintaining global peace and security. This meeting underscores India’s active engagement in global diplomatic dialogues and its role in addressing pressing international issues in collaboration with the UN.

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