The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) are set to announce an official alliance for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Delhi. Jairam Ramesh, a senior Congress leader, confirmed that the two parties have finalized a seat-sharing agreement, which will see AAP contest four seats and Congress three in Delhi. This arrangement follows extensive discussions and meetings over the past weeks​.

    Source:- BBC news

    The move is significant for both parties as they seek to challenge the BJP, which currently holds all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi. Historically, Congress dominated these seats in the 2004 and 2009 elections, while AAP has been strong in recent Delhi Assembly elections​ .

    Source:- India today

    The formal announcement of the alliance is expected to be made at a joint press conference, underscoring their strategic partnership aimed at consolidating opposition forces against the BJP​.

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