N.K. Singh, Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission, emphasized the crucial need for India to maintain a robust growth trajectory over the next two decades to realize its economic aspirations. Speaking at a recent conference, Singh highlighted that consistent economic growth is imperative for India to achieve its development goals, tackle poverty, and improve living standards for its vast population.
Source:- BBC news
Singh stressed that to sustain long-term growth, India must focus on structural reforms, enhance productivity, and invest heavily in infrastructure and human capital. He pointed out that while India’s demographic dividend presents a unique opportunity, it also requires strategic planning in education, skill development, and job creation to leverage this potential effectively.
Source:- news 18
Moreover, Singh underscored the importance of fiscal discipline and sound macroeconomic policies in fostering a stable environment conducive to growth. He also called for fostering innovation, improving ease of doing business, and integrating more deeply into the global economy.
To navigate the challenges and harness the opportunities of the coming decades, Singh urged policymakers and stakeholders to adopt a forward-looking approach, ensuring that growth is inclusive and sustainable, thereby setting India on a path to becoming a global economic powerhouse.
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