In a recent session of the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a forceful rebuttal to Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party following their critical remarks. Modi mocked Gandhi, referring to him as having “balak buddhi” or a child’s intellect, implying that Gandhi’s actions and statements were immature and lacking in depth.

    Source:- BBC News

    The Prime Minister also labeled the Congress party as a “parasite,” suggesting that it thrives at the expense of its allies and the nation. He criticized the party for its historical and ongoing failures, highlighting Congress’s inability to cross the 100-seat mark in three consecutive elections as a significant defeat. Modi accused the Congress of spreading discord and exploiting regional and communal differences for political gain​.

    Source:- news 18

    Furthermore, Modi used anecdotes to illustrate his points, likening Congress’s political maneuvers to the actions of a child who cries for sympathy after misbehaving, indicating that the party often plays the victim while hiding its own misdeeds.

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