Joe Biden’s recent Covid-19 diagnosis has delivered yet another setback to his already challenging campaign. The President, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, tested positive despite taking numerous precautions. This diagnosis not only poses a health risk to the 80-year-old leader but also adds to the series of difficulties his campaign has faced.

    Source:- news 18

    Biden’s campaign has been marred by economic concerns, including rising inflation and a wavering job market, which have eroded public confidence. His legislative agenda has encountered significant hurdles in Congress, and his approval ratings have taken a hit as a result. The Covid-19 case further complicates his ability to effectively campaign and govern, limiting his physical presence at crucial events and potentially weakening his public image.

    Source:- BBC news

    In response, the Biden administration is emphasizing his mild symptoms and the effectiveness of vaccines, aiming to reassure the public and maintain a sense of stability. The campaign is quickly adapting to virtual engagements and leaning on key surrogates to fill the gap. Nonetheless, the President’s health scare underscores the persistent challenges posed by the pandemic and adds to the narrative of a campaign struggling to gain momentum amid a series of unfortunate events.

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