The Congress party has criticized the recent Economic Survey, alleging that it presents a “cherry-picked” view of India’s economic situation. According to Congress spokespersons, the survey fails to address the deeper issues affecting the country’s economy and instead highlights selective positive data to paint an overly optimistic picture.

    Source:- news 18

    Congress argues that the survey overlooks critical challenges such as unemployment rates, inflation, and the underperformance of key sectors. They claim that while the survey emphasizes certain economic indicators that show growth, it ignores areas where the economy is struggling. The party also points out that the survey’s portrayal of economic progress does not align with the everyday experiences of many Indians, who are facing economic hardships.

    Source:- BBC News

    The Congress party’s critique suggests that the government is using the survey to create a misleading narrative of economic success, potentially to bolster its position ahead of upcoming elections. They call for a more comprehensive and transparent analysis of the economic situation that addresses both the achievements and the challenges facing the country.

    In response to these criticisms, the government has defended the survey, arguing that it provides a balanced view of India’s economic performance and that any issues mentioned are being actively addressed through policy measures. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between the government’s economic narrative and the opposition’s concerns about the true state of the economy.

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