In a recent statement reported by Bloomberg, former President Donald Trump indicated that he would allow Jerome Powell to complete his term as Federal Reserve Chairman if he were to win the 2024 presidential election.

    Source:- news 18

    Trump, who previously criticized Powell during his presidency for raising interest rates, now suggests a different approach, expressing a willingness to let Powell’s tenure run its course.

    Source:- BBC news

    This marks a shift from his earlier stance, where he openly criticized Powell’s policies and hinted at replacing him. Trump’s new position reflects a strategic shift, potentially aimed at stabilizing financial markets and reassuring investors.

    By committing to let Powell continue, Trump may be attempting to demonstrate a more measured approach to economic management and reduce uncertainty about future monetary policy. This development highlights the complex dynamics between U.S. presidents and the Federal Reserve, where political influence and economic policy intersect. It remains to be seen how this stance will impact Trump’s campaign and his relationship with the financial community if he returns to the White House.

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