Mohammed Shami’s friend recently revealed intriguing details about the Indian pacer’s diet. According to him, Shami maintains an incredibly strict diet regimen, often consuming up to 1 kg of mutton daily. This high-protein diet is reportedly crucial for Shami’s performance, helping him sustain his energy levels and maintain muscle mass essential for his fast bowling.
Source:- news 18
Shami’s friend explained that the 1 kg of mutton is not just about meeting daily protein needs but is also part of a carefully planned nutrition strategy to optimize performance. The friend mentioned that Shami’s dedication to his diet is a testament to his commitment to cricket and his relentless drive for excellence.
Source:- BBC News
In addition to his mutton consumption, Shami reportedly follows a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of other proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, combined with rigorous training. This balanced approach helps him stay in peak physical condition and compete at the highest level. The insight into Shami’s diet underscores the discipline and hard work that goes into being an elite athlete.
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