In a recent statement, Sunita Kejriwal defended Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s criticisms, suggesting that Modi’s remarks are driven by jealousy. Describing Kejriwal as the “son of Haryana,” Sunita emphasized his resilience and unwavering commitment to his principles.

    Source:- news 18

    Sunita’s comments come amid ongoing political tensions between Kejriwal and Modi. She accused the Prime Minister of harboring envy towards Kejriwal’s successes and his growing influence in Delhi politics. According to Sunita, Modi’s criticisms reflect a deeper resentment rather than legitimate concerns, asserting that Kejriwal remains steadfast in his leadership and refuses to be intimidated.

    Source:- BBC news

    The exchange highlights the sharp political divide between the two leaders, with Modi and Kejriwal frequently clashing over various issues. Sunita’s defense underscores her support for Kejriwal’s leadership and her belief in his dedication to serving Delhi’s residents despite the political adversities.

    As the political landscape continues to evolve, such statements reflect the broader dynamics at play and the personal tensions that often accompany high-stakes political contests.

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