The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) has emphasized that recent terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) will not deter the commitment to conduct elections in the region. In a recent statement, the CEC highlighted the fundamental importance of democratic processes and expressed unwavering resolve to ensure that the electoral process remains intact despite the challenges posed by such attacks.

    Source:- news 18

    The CEC underscored that elections are a cornerstone of democracy and a vital tool for empowering citizens to choose their representatives. The commitment to hold elections in J&K is seen as a crucial step in strengthening democratic governance and giving people a voice in shaping their future. The recent terror attacks, while concerning, are viewed as an attempt to undermine democratic institutions and disrupt the electoral

    Source:- BBC news

    attacks, the CEC assured that all necessary measures are being taken to ensure the safety and security of the electoral process. This includes enhancing security arrangements and collaborating with local authorities to safeguard polling stations and election staff. The CEC also emphasized the importance of maintaining public confidence in the electoral system and ensuring that every eligible voter has the opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

    The CEC’s statement reflects a broader commitment to uphold democratic values and ensure that the electoral process is not compromised by acts of violence. By reaffirming the determination to hold elections in J&K, the CEC aims to demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity and underscore the significance of democratic practices in maintaining stability and governance in the region.

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