The impeachment motion against Jagdeep Dhankhar, the Vice President of India, has recently become a significant topic in Indian politics. The motion, introduced by opposition parties, accuses Dhankhar of acting in a manner inconsistent with the duties and responsibilities of his office.


    Jagdeep Dhankhar, who assumed office as the Vice President in August 2022, has been under scrutiny for his conduct in the Rajya Sabha, India’s upper house of Parliament. The opposition alleges that Dhankhar has been biased in his handling of parliamentary procedures, particularly in relation to their motions and interventions. They argue that his actions have undermined the principles of impartiality and fairness expected from the Vice President.

    Key Allegations:

    Partiality: The opposition claims that Dhankhar has shown partiality in his rulings, favoring the government and limiting the scope for opposition voices. This, they argue, disrupts the balance and fairness of parliamentary proceedings.

    Source:- BBC news

    Procedural Irregularities: There are accusations of procedural errors in Dhankhar’s handling of debates and motions, which opposition parties believe have compromised the integrity of parliamentary processes.

    Conflict of Interest: Some critics suggest that Dhankhar’s actions may have been influenced by political considerations, rather than adhering strictly to parliamentary rules and ethics.


    For the impeachment motion to succeed, it must be supported by a significant majority in both houses of Parliament. The process involves a detailed examination of the allegations, followed by a vote. If the motion passes, Dhankhar could be removed from office, though such outcomes are historically rare.

    Current Status:

    As of now, the motion is under review and has sparked a debate on the impartiality of the Vice President’s role. The outcome will depend on the ongoing discussions and the positions of various political factions.

    This motion highlights the tension between the executive and legislative branches and underscores the complex dynamics of Indian political life.

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