a devastating Israeli airstrike hit a mosque and a school in Gaza, resulting in a significant loss of life and sparking widespread international condemnation. The attack, which occurred in the densely populated Gaza Strip, targeted the Al-Quds Mosque and the nearby Al-Nour School, both of which were reported to be crowded with civilians at the time.

    Source:- news 18

    According to local sources, the strike resulted in dozens of fatalities, including women and children, and left many others injured. The destruction of the mosque and the school has exacerbated the already dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, where access to essential services and infrastructure is severely limited due to the ongoing conflict.

    Source:- BBC news

    The Israeli government has claimed that the airstrike was a response to rocket fire from militant groups operating in Gaza, which they allege used civilian structures as cover. However, this justification has been met with skepticism and condemnation from various international bodies and human rights organizations. Critics argue that the attack disproportionately affected civilians and violated international humanitarian law, which mandates the protection of non-combatants during armed conflicts.

    The United Nations and several human rights organizations have called for an independent investigation into the incident, urging both Israeli and Palestinian authorities to respect international laws and ensure the protection of civilian lives. The international community has expressed outrage over the escalation of violence and the targeting of civilian infrastructure, calling for immediate measures to de-escalate the conflict and address the humanitarian crisis.

    The attack has further strained relations in the region and intensified global calls for a renewed effort toward peace negotiations. As the situation continues to develop, there is growing concern about the long-term impact on the Gaza population and the prospects for achieving a lasting resolution to the ongoing conflict.

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