Subramanian Swamy, a senior BJP leader and former Rajya Sabha MP, has reignited the controversy surrounding Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s citizenship by filing a petition in the Delhi High Court. Swamy’s plea challenges Gandhi’s Indian citizenship, a matter that has periodically surfaced in Indian politics.

    Source:- news 18

    Swamy alleges that Rahul Gandhi holds dual citizenship, with the other being British, which, according to Swamy, disqualifies him from holding public office in India. The BJP leader’s arguments are based on purported documents, including those from a UK-based company where Gandhi was listed as a director. Swamy claims that in these documents, Gandhi declared his nationality as British.

    Source:- BBC news

    This isn’t the first time the question of Gandhi’s citizenship has been raised. Similar accusations have been made in the past, but they have not led to any substantial legal action against Gandhi. The Congress party has consistently dismissed these claims as baseless, labeling them as a political vendetta aimed at maligning Gandhi’s image and distracting from real issues.


    The Delhi High Court is expected to examine Swamy’s petition carefully. The matter has significant implications, as any ruling against Gandhi could have profound consequences on his political career and the Congress party’s future.


    Critics argue that this petition is part of a broader strategy by political opponents to target Gandhi and weaken the Congress party. Meanwhile, supporters of Swamy maintain that the issue of dual citizenship is serious and must be addressed, as it concerns the integrity of public office.


    As the legal proceedings unfold, this case is likely to attract considerable attention, with both political and legal ramifications. The outcome could either put the issue to rest once and for all or further intensify the debate surrounding Rahul Gandhi’s citizenship.

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